
Bee in the know and keep up to date with all the latest news.

Art Selection Event

Apr 13, 2018

The 180 shortlisted bee designs were unveiled for the first time this week at a private gallery event hosted by etc. venues and our Bee in the City sponsors and partners ....Read more
Au Bee

Mar 01, 2018

Manchester City Centre was treated to a dazzling preview of this summer’s Bee in the City trail, when a 1.8m golden chrome ‘Au’ bee toured key locations across the ....Read more
Bee in the City Sponsors

Mar 01, 2018

Fifteen high-profile Manchester businesses have signed up to support Bee in the City. We are delighted to announce our first corporate sponsors (listed in order of sign-....Read more
Bee in the City

Mar 01, 2018

Over eighty giant honey bee sculptures will be winging their way to Manchester in summer 2018, when the city lands one of its biggest ever public art events. The Bee in ....Read more
Bee in the City 2020

Bee in the City 2020