We Will Dance Together Again

The Details

Name: We Will Dance Together Again

Location: KSMCR, Kings Street

Artist: Amy Coney


As we go through waves of restrictions and redefine ways of connecting and communicating, the importance of music, hospitality and the arts is ever prevalent in Manchester and beyond; a sector of our society that has been hit harder than any other but has defined our history and is vital at our core. We must protect it, we must keep it alive.

The Artist -Amy Coney

Amy Coney is a Manchester based visual artist and illustrator, her portfolio spans from bespoke and photorealistic oil paintings, transformative large scale indoor and outdoor murals, to album covers, giant bee sculptures and Red Bull fridges! Working with a range of people from corporate, charities, to brands and individuals, always keeping it varied and fun... no two projects are the same! Find out more at: amyconey.com @AmyConeyArt  

Bee in the City 2020

Bee in the City 2020