Name: The LGBTQ+ Queen Bee
Designed and decorated by: CJTaylord Art and Ben Sedman Photography
Sponsor: The LGBTQ+ Community
The LGBTQ+ Queen Bee design is a symbol of LGBT Pride. The legacy and poignancy of Alan Turing’s life is mirrored in the eyes of this beautiful Bee. Street names and landmarks tell the story of Queen Bee’s new home at the heart of the Village. This sculpture inspires us to accept, embrace and celebrate life in all its glorious forms. The ultimate message is #LoveIsLove.
Note: The LGBTQ+ Queen Bee will be temporarily moving from 23-28 August to take part in Manchester Pride.
The LGBTQ+ Queen Bee started her life as an aspiration of activist Carl Austin-Behan, who was keen to get everyone within Manchester’s LGBTQ+ community engaged in this ambitious art project. A crowd funding website brought in donations from supporters, partners and individuals to Bee in The City. A number of generous sponsors are also acknowledged on the base of this sculpture.