The 50 Windows of Creativity event went live on the 26th October 2020. Despite challenging circumstances the event has received an amazing reaction from the public and media. Some media coverage is linked below.
The Guardian– “A new self-guided art trail that has effectively transformed Manchester into an open-air gallery”
The Northern Quota – “A new city-wide art trail called 50 Windows of Creativity has been unveiled to inspire people during the dark days of the latest lockdown.”
Manchester Evening News– “This project will transform the city’s windows and spaces into an innovative art gallery taking people on a creative journey around Manchester.”
Canal Street Online– “A city to be proud in”
Secret Manchester– “Painting our lives with a little bit of colour this Autumn/Winter”
Manchester Confidential– “Celebrating Manchester’s rich and varied culture”
Culture Bean– “Manchester is set to be buzzing again”
Creativity and being creative through the medium of art is proven to be beneficial to health and wellbeing – something more important than ever in these unprecedented times. If you live in or near Manchester city centre, don’t forget you can still combine a stroll around the city with the art trail and explore the wonderful displays!